Messado Rings - magic tricks revealed

Even David Copperfield is a fan of The Messado Rings - taking the time to congratulate Joshua Messado for the stunning moments of bewilderment created in the mind of the spectator, when the rings simply melt through each other on the tip of the spectator's finger.

Messado’s involvement of the spectator is not something that is simply tacked onto the end of a linking rings performance. This routine makes the spectator central to the magic - from sticking out a finger to unlink the rings at their very touch, to physically holding a ring and crashing it through another - linking them in their own hands - the magic happens just inches away from their nose.

This is a routine that builds, rather than flatlines, with the rings linking and unlinking under increasingly impossible conditions. Messado’s performance involves rings that jump to join others, links that happen in midair- even links that seem to defy gravity.

While Messado shares his full routines as he performs them on the DVD, teaching each move in context, he also encourages you to choose those moves that appeal to you an

and your own style - and being completely modular, you’re able to develop your own routine.

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